
The Efficiency of Quantum-Mechanical Carnot Engine using the WoodsSaxon Model

E. O. Oladimeji, T. T. Ibrahim , A. N. Ikot, J. D. Koffa, H. O. Edogbanya , J. O. Audu , O. J. Oluwadare

Keywords: Quantum thermodynamics, Woods-Saxon, Carnot cycle, Quantum heat engines, Nano-engines.


The quantum engine cycle serves as an analogous representation of classical heat engines for microscopic systems and the quantum regime of thermal devices is composed of a single element. In this work, we examined the Quantum-Mechanical properties of a non-linear quantum oscillator using the Woods-Saxon WS potential, as a working substance of the Carnot cycle. The Quantum-Mechanical analogue of the cycle was constructed using changes in both the width � and the quantum state � of the potential well. Furthermore, the efficiency of the quantum engine, consisting of adiabatic and isothermal processes is derived. Our result shows to be analogous to that of the classical engine and found to agree, within an appropriate limit, with existing results obtained from Free Particle FP Model. Thus, indicating that the WS model can be used as an alternative working substance in Quantum engines.